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Gunfighting 101
Vehicle Gunfighting with John Chambers August 7, 2015 Last weekend I headed down to Texas for a couple of classes from John Chambers. We did Vehicle Gunfighting on Saturday and Defensive Shotgun on Longrifle with Eric Pfleger July 9, 2015 Over 4th of July weekend I took Eric Pfleger’s Longrifle class. The class was at Thunder Valley Precision in eastern Ohio, the same venue where I Wilderness Warrior Weekend June 28, 2015 Last weekend I took the Wilderness Warrior Weekend class from Greg Nichols, John Chambers, and Sua Sponte near Kirksville, Missouri. I’ll just say The Role of the Trunk Rifle May 25, 2015 This is an article that I wrote about four years ago. I breifly mentioned my thoughts on trunk guns in a thread on Paragon Pride a few weeks ago and Suarez International Tritium Suppressor Sights April 16, 2015 I recently got a pair of Suarez International v3.0 Suppressor Tritium Front and Rear Sights (that’s quite a mouthful). These are suppressor height Rifleman - Squad Member with Daniel Shaw December 23, 2014 Earlier this month I took Thunderbird Tactical’s Rifleman - Squad Member course, taught by Daniel Shaw. The course focused on small-unit tactics at Carbine Vitals I with Daniel Shaw November 24, 2014 Last Saturday I took Thunderbird Tactical’s Carbine Vitals I course taught Daniel Shaw. Carbine Vitals I is a one-day basic carbine class. I took it Pathfinder, Recce, & Man Tracking with Eric Pfleger September 5, 2014 This weekend I attended Eric Pfleger’s Pathfinder, Recce, Man Tracking Operations class. I’ve trained with Eric several times before, including Gun Safe Furniture August 19, 2014 No, not the clever furniture you can buy that conceals a gun safe. I’m talking about “furniture” that goes in your gun safe. I’ve long said that Book Review - Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting July 28, 2014 Traditionally, external ballistics has been a subject rife with myths and “voodo” in the shooting community. Often poorly understood, information Book Review - Handloading for Competition July 21, 2014 As I mentioned in my previous book review, I’m in the process of getting into handloading rifle rounds for precision. While I have some handloading Book Review - Metallic Cartridge Handloading June 24, 2014 I’ve recently been getting back into handloading. Specifically getting into handloading rifle rounds for precision. In the past I’ve reloaded pistol The Indian and the Arrow June 18, 2014 There is a tendency for some new students of the rifle to get caught up in the vast variety of hardware available today. Rather than getting out and Advanced Fight Focused Drills with Roger Phillips June 18, 2014 This was a truly excellent class. While many know Roger for his advocacy of point shooting and his excellent writing, one of the things that has Extreme Night Fighter Week with Roger Phillips April 2, 2014 Las week I participated in Roger Phillips’ Extreme Night Fighter Week. Opportunities to train seriously in low light are few and far between. I’ve DMR-3 Patrol Phase with John Chambers March 4, 2014 Last week I spent five days out in Coleman, Texas at John Chambers’ DMR-3 Patrol Phase class. I’ve been to several of John’s designated marksman Is Scanning Really an After Action Drill? January 27, 2014 Over on the Paragon Pride forums Roger Phillips posted a thread about After Action Drills that raised the utility of a quick check left and right Fight Focused Handgun III – Point Shooting Concepts with Roger Phillips January 26, 2014 Last weekend I attended Roger Phillips’ Point Shooting Concepts course in Las Vegas. I had a great time. Just to get it out of the way for those 2014 SHOT Show Day 4 January 18, 2014 Today was the last day of the SHOT show. Having walked the entire show floor in the previous days, there wasn’t much I hadn’t seen today. I did go 2014 SHOT Show Day 3 January 17, 2014 I’d seen just about everything on Level 2 yesterday, including the main exhibit hall. Today I dropped down to Level 1 and the secondary exhibit Next page